Fast forward to the part where I have a baby and lose every "sense of self" I've ever had in this world. You guessed didn't go well. Of course this beautiful baby (Indie) brought in something WILDLY more profound than any of the things I'd done before, but where did it leave ME?
Well...quite frankly LOST! I knew I loved coaching and helping others but I didn't know how that looked with my new life post baby. Juggling a baby with a small village of support and often on my own, life literally crumbled around me. Wracked with feelings of guilt and shame for not "enjoying every moment" of life with this incredible baby girl, the sadness and hopelessness slowly accumulated.
Through my own very raw experience of post natal depression for about 10 months of Indie's life, I had to fathom a whole new way of being. The "doing" was no longer working. No crazy workout or busy schedule could outrun this undeniable feeling of unworthiness. Unable to coach as I had done before, I lost something so dear to my heart: my purpose, my passion, my sense of self.
Enter....a truly mind blowing, gut wrenching, soul rebuilding journey back to the "real" me. Slower living, more conscious training, better nutrition, yoga, breathwork, meditation, journaling, kineseology, life coaching, therapy, you name it! I knew I had to do everything in my power to face my demons, to learn to breathe again, to bring back hope.
Now? I'm breathing, now I'm ALIVE! I'm fuelled by a deep fire burning inside of me that tells me: Mums don't have to go through what I went through. Mums deserves to feel empowered, confident and strong; not only as a mum but in themselves. That they are not “just a Mum” but a human with very human needs.
My brand "Humum" puts the often forgotten but VITALLY important aspect of being a Mum - YOU at the forefront. By focussing on a mothers healing journey I passionately believe we can make new pathways for happier, healthier Mums and in turn happier and healthier children and generations to come. You don't have to "just barely" survive Mumma, I promise you, you can THRIVE too. Hold my hand, we can walk this path side by side. This is the start of a beautiful journey back to you.